Tuesday 12 April 2011

Why Are Girls So Jealous Of Each Other Than Boys?

If you know a girl, you should know by default every girl is going to be jealous of every other girl, even if she is her own sister. Reason being girls are born like that and they do not want any one else to be liked more than them. It is a natural thing which happens in girls however if it happens in a guy, then it is weird.

Usually jealousy arises in girls, starting from their sisters, when one sister is prettier than the other or when one sister is smarter and intelligent. Even when parents give more attention to one of their child, it makes the others feel jealous naturally.

Every girl wants to be noticed and wants to be complemented, however if another girl steals her show and takes attention of her then it really makes her angry and jealous. That is why every female wants to look good, dress up well, wants to have a good looking rich husband and a nice family.

Girls or woman love comparing things with each other and want to boast about their things and this is absolutely a natural feature of every girl. They do not want to share their husbands, even with their friends, because it makes them jealous. All this is in god's hand and he has designed girls in this way

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