Monday 18 April 2011

Pic clicked by me!!.










Bird and Nest

Thursday 14 April 2011

Recent Visit : Bhangarh--> Haunted city, where government tells you to keep off!

There are ghosts, and there are haunted places. How many haunted places, though, have the distinction of being acknowledged by a government? None, we think.Take Bhangarh in the state of Rajasthan, India for example. Local mythology says the place is haunted, as local mythologies are wont to do. But in this case, the Archaelogical Survey of India (ASI) in charge of it warns people off the area!
The ASI is the official government body in charge across India of all the monuments and ruins.
Take a look at this ASI signboard in Bhangarh. The signboard is placed 1 Km away from the Bhangarh fort, which has been in ruins since the 17th century, when Bhangarh was deserted overnight. People do not enter the area as it is believed that if you do, you do not return.

                                              Bhangarh: Signboard warning people off

What does the signboard say?

Here is a translation:
The Government of India
The Archeological Survey of India, Bhangarh
Important warning:
1. Entering the borders of Bhangarh before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited.
2. Shepherds and woodcutters who enter Bhangarh area will face legal action.
3. The Kewda or Pandanus trees found in Bhangarh area belong to the Archaelogy Survey of India. Is it forbidden to subject this tree to any kind of harm.
Note: Anyone flouting of the rules mentioned above will face legal action.
By order
Supervisor, Archaelogical Survey Board
True, the signboard does not say that there are ghosts in the area, or the place is haunted. But the signboard is extremely unusual.



In and around Bhangarh
In and around Bhangarh
Locals give the Bhangarh fort, and the reasonably large area around it, a wide berth. And this is India, where there are people roaming about everywhere. But locals do not enter the area here due to some popular spooky stories associated with Bhangarh. And ASI has never denied the stories, despite everyone using the signboard as a recognition by the government of the paranormal nature of the place, or said that the signboard was placed for some other mundane reason.
Those who swear by the Bhangarh’s resident ghosts, say that the ASI too is scared of the parnanormal activity associated with the fort; hence the ASI board has been put up at a safe distance from the fort, next to a temple. Many locals and visitors claim that they have witnessed paranormal activities – like sounds of music and dancing and wierd color spots in photographs of chambers.

The mythology of Bhangarh

Story A – Standard of story of lustful wizard and beautiful maiden
One of the stories say that the Bhangarh  was cursed by a tantrik (a wizard who practices dark arts), Singhia, who was in love with the beautiful princess Ratnawati of Bhangarh. Singhia added a love potion to a bowl of oil that belonged to the princess, but Singhia’s hopes were dashed (literally) when Ratnawati hurled the bowl on a wall that collapsed and buried Singhia.
A dying Scindia cursed the kingdom of Bhangarh saying that the city would be wiped out overnight, and would never be inhabited again, except for the temples. Shortly after the death of Singhia, the whole city was sacked and destroyed in the Bhangarh-Ajabgarh wars.
Bhangarh was never inhabited again, but the area around it is dotted with temples. Believers consider this a living proof of the wizard’s curse.
Story B – The real-estate obsessed wizard
The other story goes that Singhia the Wizard, practised his dark arts in the outskirts of the city. When the early Kings of Bhangarh built the city, Singhia warned them that he would not interfere with the city as long as the they did not infringe on his settlement. The kings were respectful of Singhia’s privacy, but one arrogant king refused to heed Singhia and paid for it. When the buildings overshadowed the wizard’s work area, the whole city collapsed and all its citizens were forced to flee. Since then, no one has dared to settle in the city again

Some roofless constructions at Bhangarh Image Courtesy
Bhangarh was built in the 17th century, by Raja Madho Singh, younger brother of Man Singh, a general of Emperor Akbar’s army. At that time, Bhangarh had a population of over 10,000. Now, not a soul lives in the ruined but still beautiful city. Bhangarh was the precursor of the exquisite old city of Jaipur, with its havelis, colorful bazaars, and temples.
Havelis are elaborate residences, almost miniature palaces, built around large courtyards. The walls are painted in bright colors with detailed frescoes. If the old city of Jaipur is anything to go by, Bhangarh must have been an extremely prosperous city. Today nothing remains but the temples

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Pic clicked by me!!


Pareshan Sweet Maker


What Girls Always Notice on a Date!!!!

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes.
And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date!
Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.
They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what are the things that girls notice on a date? Men, you might just be surprised.
What girls always notice on a date #1 CLEANLINESS
You definitely need to be clean. Women like guys who can groom themselves. Even if you sport a stubble, it should look like every strand of hair exists to accentuate your face.
Clean hands and nails, crisp clothes, and a fresh face. And no bad breath or body odor. No girl would ever like that! Maybe a few kinky ones, but definitely not on a date. In a restaurant.
What girls always notice on a date #2 LABELS!

Girls love labels and fancy brands. It’s a sign anyways, isn’t it? If you can pamper yourself, you definitely can pamper her.
Go figure about big brands. Some labels may be expensive, but they don’t necessarily turn out to be the best. But the biggest names don’t come cheap. Senor D’Orsi charges over fifty grand a suit and still makes just fifty suits a year, but that’s never ever going to look bad on you, would it?

And it’s never going to hurt. Maybe just your Louis Vuitton wallet. A wee bit, you big, rich boy!
What girls always notice on a date #3 YOUR CONVERSATION SKILLS
Girls want a guy who knows how to keep his woman happy. So are you a smooth talker? Do you stutter and splutter and run out of things to say, half way through dinner and resort to “so you say something… no, no, you say…” to cover the fact that you have nothing to talk about? That’s not good. [Read: What to talk about on a first date with a girl] A woman wants to be with someone who knows to talk, and talk well. Yup, back when you were in tenth grade, backstreet boys were hot stuff! Now, it’s still a Simon Cowell.
What girls always notice on a date #4 HOW FAR CAN YOU GO?
How far can you go for your date? What can you do to pamper her? Flowers and sparkling wine are great starters. But can you call back your waiter and ask him for more flowers on your table? Or perhaps, a white candle? Anything else? A woman wants to test how far a man would be willing to go for her. Of course, subconsciously.
So pamper her. She can’t make up her mind about which dessert to pick, order three of them. Try it. It definitely works. Tell her to take a bite off all of them. She can have what she wants, and the waiter can take back the rest. If you have to be her king, treat her like the queen she deserves to be. But never be pompous, and don’t forget to be a brat boy now and then.
What girls always notice on a date #5 YOUR ATTIRE
Brands are one thing, but women definitely notice the way you dress. A Gucci shirt looks good, but untucked and crumpled on a formal date? Don’t think so. Dress for the occasion. Be pleasing to her eyes, and don’t ever go overboard. A clean shirt or a suit is the best thing to wear when you’re out at a great date restaurant in the middle of paradise. And yeah, do take her to a great place.
What girls always notice on a date #6 Ogling other women
You may have done all of the above things to impress your date, but this one wrong move can be a killer! There’s nothing more insulting for a woman than to see her man staring at other women or craning his neck to ogle at other women now and then. When you’re out on a date, remember, all eyes on your date. You can ogle at all the beautiful women and stare at a girl’s breast or her never ending legs when you’re with the guys. On a date, just focus on your date, if you do want to impress her.

Why Do Girls Like Chocolate?

Women... They are created for one another! It’s not a mystery that 90 percent of Women are fond of chocolate sweets. Women not seldom enjoy a point of true happiness biting some excellent chocolate! It's kind of a peculiar kind of drugs for them. Why there are so many chocolate-lovers and what gives this sweet dainty to lady’s soul and physical state? We are going to try to answer these issues in the following piece.
The reply lays in chemicals and the quantity of the lypocites in a lady’s body. Lady's organism possess more lypocites than man's. For girls eating chocolate is like a reflex effort to make the level of hormones in their organisms steadier. Higher ranks of female hormones create such a longing for chocolate and other high-energy food.

The texture of the chocolate is creamy and melting because of the butter from cocoa used in it.
Chocolate involves phenylethylamine in its mixture, a potion produced by the human brain when you fall for some man or woman. We feel an unexpected charge of energy we acquire from the sugar and cocoa, and phenylethylamine acts as a mood enhancer. It makes us feel high and dream, mantled in theatmosphere of pleasure and delight!
Some females identify chocolate sweets with sex and there are precise clarifications of this issue!
Chocolate enhances lovemaking activity and is also believed to be an aphrodisiac. This divine pleasure delivers new original ideas to our intimate lives, such as chocolate body tinting.
The sweetness from chocolate also lets out hormones of happiness that help us feeling genuine happiness! As far as you can see the finest gift imaginable for your precious Russian bride is the best sorts of chocolate!
Gifting chocolate as the sign of devotion was remarkably common in Japan since the 1950s.

Top 10 Rejection Lines Given by Women (and what they actually mean...)

  1. I think of you as a brother.
    (You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in "Deliverance")
  2. There's a slight difference in our ages.
    (You are one Jurassic geezer.)
  3. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way
    (You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes upon)
  4. My life is too complicate right now.
    (I don't want you spending the whole night or else you may hear phone calls from all the other guys I'm seeing)
  5. I've got a boyfriend
    (who's really my male cat and a half gallon of Ben & Jerry's)
  6. I don't date men where I work
    (Hey bud, I wouldn't even date you if you were in the same solar system, much less the same building)
  7. It's not you, it's me
    (It's not me, it's you)
  8. I'm concentrating on my career
    (Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)
  9. I'm celibate.
    (I've sworn off *only* the men like you.)
  10. .....and the #1 rejection line given by women (and what it actually means)

    Let's be friends.
    (I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with; it's that 'male perspective' thing)

composition of a woman's personality

Composition of a woman's 